STEAM expert, writer and science populariser

  • Design of STEAM courses and programs
  • Educational resources and branded printables
  • Consulting for schools and STEAM teachers
  • Project management for STEAM implementation
Science and STEAM teacher:
my students ace their tests and enter the world's top schools and universities including Oxford, Stanford, King's College etc.
Founder of STEAM school for kids
-master classes and workshops
-science walks in museums
-online courses
Author of multiple books about science for kids. My books have been issued in the top publishing houses around the world including Thames&Hudson, Zahorí Books, Rue de Monde, Alpina Publishing etc.
Specialist in radioactive chemistry and nuclear medicine (graduated the D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology)
Completed several courses by HarvardX on Neuroscience and Early Child Development
The superposition of 5 components creates a unique environment that grows from experiments as well as engineering, scientific and art projects. The practice rather than theory becomes the centre of an educational routine which allows to build profound knowledge and relevant skills. An interdisciplinary approach is of crucial importance during problem solving and data analysis.

STEAM helps us raise XXI century specialists:
Over the two decades, STEAM has become a gold standard of education in more than 50 countries around the globe. Why has it proven to be so successful?
S T E A M: the future of education
— science;
— technology;
— engineering;
— art;
— maths.

those having critical thinking, mental flexibility, creativity, emotional intelligence, those being able to work in a team as well as express themselves as individuals. And most importantly, those aiming for lifelong learning.

My STEAM school

STEAM education

TEACH BACK, or reverse pedagogy

Interdisciplinary approach

All the subjects of interest are being treated as parts of a larger educational framework. Students are being motivated to search for connections between physics, chemistry, biology, geography and many other disciplines.
Mind mapping and other graphing methods are used to better visualise and further investigate said connections.
The students are encouraged to explore the roles of speakers and teachers preparing mini-lectures and recording them in audio and/or video format. Such approach is exceptionally effective testing technique as well as an entertaining way to enhance eloquence.

All my courses and other scientific activities for kids are based on STEAM method which means that students and I favour practice over theory, use multifocal approach and search for an optimal implementation of STEAM during solving particular problems.
Choose a format that works for you
  • Master classes
  • Online video courses
  • Lectures
  • STEAM DIY projects
  • Podcast
New GCSE Chemistry Course
Simple. Effective. Online
Tania Medvedeva
non-fiction writer

My career as a writer emerged from years of continuous teaching and tutoring as well as thorough investigation and analysis of science educational programs and approaches in different countries.

I mix non-fiction descriptions and fiction plots to engage the young readers with amazing concepts that surely help raise future scientists, engineering, mathematicians, eager learners and explorers!
Beautifully illustrated, my books contain lots of proof-read scientific facts that are based on interviews with modern scientists and relevant studies. Experiments, activities and other tasks help kids start implementing STEAM approach the moment they read my books.

I collaborate with world-renowned publishing houses including Thames&Hudson, Zahorí books, Rue de Monde, YUANFUDAO, Mondadori, Alpina Publishing, Piter, Kachelly etc. Together we create amazing books for kids around the world (including my two girls!).

My books are available on the official websites of publishing houses, resellers and marketplaces like Amazon, OZON, Wildberries, etc.

72 pages
4 circular fold-outs
26 x 26 cm (hard cover)
Age 8+

A beautifully illustrated, breathtaking title designed to inspire future scientists, critical thinkers and STEAM explorers.

"Around Antarctica. Exploring the Frozen South" is based not only on scientific facts but also unique interviews I conducted with the leading researchers and polar explorers including glaciologists, oceanologists, paleogeographers as well as the head of the antarctic base.

Author: Tania Medvedeva
Illustrator: Maria Vyshinskaya
Co-authors of the idea: Tania Medvedeva and Darya Plaksunova
Publisher: Zahorí books
"Around Antarctica" is the first title in the series about the climate refugees. I'm currently working on the second title dedicated to forests. The book is already in Zahorí books catalogue and will be represented at prestigious Frankfurt book fair.

The first total print run of 28000 copies was published in Fall'22.

Thanks to co-edition the first print run is in six languages: English, Chinese, Spanish, Catalan, French and Italian.

This amazing book about forests is the second book in our new series 360°. On its pages you’ll learn about the most fascinating forests on our planet as well as its inhabitants. Together with the characters you’ll get acquainted with various points of view on the importance of forest and its preservation in the face of natural disasters, global warming and, of course, human activity.

It’s designed to inspire future scientists and make all the readers fall in love with forests and become their lifelong friends and protectors.

Author: Tania Medvedeva
Illustrator: Maria Vyshinskaya
Publisher: Zahorí books
Here're my STEAM books published in Russian. Contact me if you're interested in discussing foreign rights.
Publishing house Piter 2020
30 DIY experiments with kids
Aplina Publisher 2021
How To Publish a Science Magazine If You're A Raccoon 
Alpina Publisher 2022
Motivating students through STEAM method
I'd like to present a new series of books for kids 3+ based on STEAM education. The readers will be able to explore the world and get a new scientific perspective on what they are doing on everyday basis. The first title is "STEAM on the playground".

Two sisters, Lyra and Aurelia, are studying science whilst having a great time on playground with their mom and other kids.
Please contact me to discuss the possible collaboration

Or leave your contacts and I'll reach out to you at my earliest convenience

@TaniaMedvedeva (telegram)